You'll Always be Ms. Linda to Us
It’s a good thing that God has used my children to teach me to have a sense of humor about myself, because lately I am just “cracking myself up” all the time.
The kids and I started a tradition a few years ago wherein we spend the week before Thanksgiving celebrating some of the people we’re most thankful for: our wonderful teachers. Kevin and I know and talk often about what a difference these fantastic teachers make in our kids’ lives. They put so much into seeing these phenomenal children (not just mine…I think all of these kids are amazing)meet their full potential, and when the rest of the world underestimates their abilities, their teachers are often the first ones to recognize their strengths and push them to excel. So, we spent the week doing some fun things to show our teachers how much we love and appreciate them. The kids had a BLAST passing out goodies each day at school (In fact, Zoe was disappointed that she didn’t have school today and couldn’t take something to her teachers too.:)). And even though Adam moved on to kindergarten this year, we still like to let our Pre-K AU teachers know how much we appreciate what they do each day. I sent them some little things via Riley, who was thrilled to have the courier job.
Our AU “Super Team” at Harris Creek has grown by leaps and bounds this year as our teachers have hired on some much needed assistants. Though I had most certainly been properly introduced to the newest Pre-K assistant, somehow my half-scattered mind turned “Cindy” into “Linda.” All week I have sent poor Ms. Cindy notes, cards, and other goodies labeled “Ms. Linda.” The other teachers kept meaning to tell me but forgot, so I just continued in my blissful ignorance. The funny thing is that it turns out that “Linda” is the name of Ms. Cindy’s husband’s ex-wife! Leave it to me to pick that name.:) Funnier still is the fact that Riley has been my courier, and her hyperlexic mind will never forget seeing “Ms. Linda” written on everything she delivered to Ms. Cindy. She’ll now think we’re being silly when we say, “No, it’s Ms. Cindy.” I can already see the silly grin bloom across her face and hear her replying, “No, it’s not Ms. Cindy.” Fortunately, Ms. Cindy also has a sense of humor. It’s a good thing. Ms. Cindy, looks like you’ll always be Ms. Linda to us.
This reminds me of a time years ago when my dad and mom helped Kevin and me move in to our first house (pre-children). My dad declared that he’d met the neighbor who lived behind us and really liked him. “That Russell is a very neat guy. You’ve got great neighbors,” Dad said enthusiastically. So, for months Kevin and I called that poor man Russell. A very long time later we were talking to some other neighbors one night in the street and discovered that his name was Lewis. I have teased my dad about that ever since. Well Dad, looks like your daughter is following right in your footsteps!
I also spent all of Wednesday afternoon searching frantically for my wallet. I’d been nowhere that day and had spent the morning doing our finances at my computer. I was so frustrated. How did I lose my wallet sitting in my chair at the computer?! After hours of cleaning I had not planned to do, I got ready to check Adam’s blood sugar and found the wallet in the cookie jar where I keep all of his diabetic supplies and the calculator (which I had also been using earlier at the computer).
It appears that I’m now scatterbrained by far more than half.
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