The Taskmaster
Most of you who know Riley well know and understand that she can be quite the taskmaster at times. Actually, she relishes any such opportunity. Sunday morning is one of her favorite times not only because it’s church day (she loves going to church) but also because she knows we have to make it there by a certain time. She loves driving the crew to complete all tasks and make the end goal. In fact, she not only gets herself ready but does all she can to help everyone else. This past Sunday, she quickly finished her breakfast (mouth jam-packed with food when she left the table) and before starting in on her own self-preparation, noticed that Adam had some “bed-head”. I heard her mutter something about Adam needing to brush his hair and before I knew it she had returned toting the hair brush and spray bottle of water. So while Adam was enjoying his morning peanut butter waffle, Riley was acting as his personal groomer. The great thing is that he’s so used to her doing things like this, it didn’t phase him in the least…
You’ll notice here in the first shot that Riley still had a mouth full.
Needless to say, we made it to church on time!