Nov 3, 2023
I’m driving to school with Adam when the notification comes that Riley has texted, and I smile, knowing that she’s awake and is, as she always describes it, “encouraging everyone on the family Wordle thread.” I can see her in my mind, half risen on one elbow, sleep still hanging about her eyes. I whisper […]
Oct 4, 2019
“You need to get with it,” I say to Riley, like I do nearly a dozen times a day, then I jot down the phrase. Get with it. I taste the words a little, stare down at the shape of them, the jerking movement of the letters. Kirk Byron Jones has me watching my language […]
May 11, 2018
Anger and hurt, dancing like the steam curling mad over my coffee cup, propel me under until criticism rolls off my tongue. The words have a metallic tang, as though I’ve bitten my lip. I draw my knees up into the chair, wrapping my fingers around my bare feet, feeling the bones. Zoe and I […]
Aug 7, 2015
Stinging words curl through the grapevine like searing smoke, and I gasp, suffocating. I am distracted by a black storm, by the flicking tongue of a squint-eyed snake bent on spreading its own dark poison. The deception threatens the fixing of my eyes. Except. Except that God is my Father. And He hasn’t left me […]
Jul 31, 2015
“…this not making a name for yourself-—that’s really hard,” Zoe says, lightly biting her bottom lip, tapping the page with an extended finger. Her hair falls loosely over her ears in sun-lit sections. She rests her chin on one tender knee, peering down at the Book in her lap. Her chair spins, but she interrupts its […]
6Jan 9, 2015
Afternoon, and noting the time, we drop the things in our hands, gathering and folding into the car. We turn corners and lift our hands, flat shields against the blinding sun, mutually complaining about the sight-stealing while we give thanks for the warmth, huddling into our seats. You cannot see my face, for no one […]
7Aug 29, 2014
In the car at night and I can’t see her face, just the blur of headlights and the jostle of cars weaving in and out of lanes, just the green-lit signs labeling exits. From behind me, she speaks, and the tentative way she shapes her words tells me that she chooses this time for the […]
8Nov 15, 2013
We spend an afternoon at the table passing sheets of sticky letters, photographs, pens. Before I turn my attention to helping Riley through homework, before cooking, before folding the towels, Zoe and I sit together tasting gratitude like honey on our tongues. I press down a bit of light-catching foam and wonder why it feels […]
9Mar 1, 2013
She stands just on the other side of the bar as Kevin and I wash dishes, reading aloud to me from a book. I’ve suggested that she read to herself, but she says she just likes reading to me. The truth is, it’s easier for her to remember what she hears aloud. Somewhere, that fact about […]
10Oct 12, 2012
Adam had been talking about this trip for a week–father and son, side-by-side in a pick-up truck, on their way to the beach. To say that Adam has been talking about anything just makes me smile, because nothing sounds as sweet as his voice, nor does anything touch us quite like his earnest efforts to […]