May 14, 2021
I finish braiding Riley’s hair for school; she likes one thick rope down her back, the elastics double tightened, and I smile because already tiny errant curls have begun to escape around her face. Already, the freer part of her has begun to defy strict boundaries. Sometimes when she feels overwhelmed, she pushes those rebels […]
Aug 14, 2020
Robert Frost would be proud: Every night Adam roams and roams for miles before he sleeps, up and down the same stretch of hall, his heavy tread pressing the carpet flat, beating out a path. Thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk. In muffled pilgrimage, he travels overhead, across the living room ceiling and back […]
Jun 26, 2020
“So, how are you doing?” “You know how it is,” I say, standing on the front porch, squenching my bare toes against the rough concrete, six feet away from two friends who, like sisters, have loved me through years of scars and laughter. I have lines etched into my face from both the joy and […]
Jun 17, 2016
Evening at the beach, and I’m swaying in the porch swing, pushing my toes against the deck planks. It’s too dark to see the ocean from where I sit, but I can just make out the faint, ever-changing lines of white caps, like fine, thin sketch marks adding dimension to shades of black and blue-gray. […]
Jan 29, 2016
Mom, what will you write about today? Her question is a gift; a jewel in my palm. She sits at the bar looking very nearly sixteen–golden head bent over her phone and all those little flyaways catching the early light; a cup of coffee just south of her hand, steaming; a dozen bracelets sliding […]
6May 16, 2014
It’s time to leave, so I stand at the bottom of the stairs and call to my son. I hear his music, the fullness in the air that always colors the rooms where he moves, the strains of worship that make our living rich. His feet thump against the carpet in an unseen stretch of […]
7Feb 14, 2014
At the chiropractor’s office, we take up the whole row of cervical traction units against the wall—Riley, Adam, Zoe, me. We all know the routine. We slip the padded bars behind our heads, rest our chins on the thick foam in front, grip the ends of the chin bars with our hands. Riley and Adam […]