Sep 28, 2018
I hear my son before I see him. I know by heart the specific sound of his long, flat feet on the hardwood floor at the base of the stairs; I know the circuitous, spinning route he takes from one room to another, checking for me, checking for signs that nothing unexpected has altered the […]
2Jan 21, 2011
Adam’s voice is the best sound in my day. This week, I had the longest sustained conversation I’ve ever had with my son in the (nearly) nine years of his life. And it was about supper. Early in the morning, I thawed some chicken and mixed up the ingredients for some aptly named “chicken delicious.” […]
3Dec 10, 2010
My son has juvenile diabetes and autism, and he’s afraid to taste things. Well, he was.🙂 Word to the wise: Do not use the words I’ll never when discussing parenting your children. As a little girl, I lived by a few rules when it came to eating. First, we all ate the same thing for […]
4Aug 28, 2008
There was a time in American history when extended families commonly lived close (even shared the same land) and children were raised not just by their parents but under the daily influences of grandparents and aunts and uncles. What a relief it must have been for weary and emotional moms to pour out their frustrations […]