Jun 23, 2023
“I’m concerned about Adam’s schedule for the summer,” Riley says to me, folding her hands in front of her and digging one toe into the outdoor carpet on our back porch. The hinges of the door haven’t yet stopped screeching, and a great wind rustles the leaves of the trees, and I take a deep […]
Oct 14, 2016
My phone vibrates against the bar top, suddenly shaking the metal tray beside with a vibrant zing. Sighing, I reach for my coffee mug, slowly inhaling the drifting steam. Too early. But our peaks and valleys do reverberate, contagiously. I lift the phone, reluctantly scanning the notifications. Hurricane could come our way, and just the […]
Aug 21, 2015
I walk in from my sweaty work, the pruning shears heavy in one gloved hand, the bottoms of my bare feet stinging with the heat of the sidewalk, the brick steps. Finally, I couldn’t watch the ruined blooms weigh the branches any longer, nor let them continue leaching away the sweet goodness the tiny, emergent […]
4Jun 26, 2015
Help. I write the word in plum today, and in the curve of the e, the marker squeaks against the whiteboard. Help really isn’t the right word. It’s as inadequate as the word serve for describing what we do for God. Learn would be the better verb if this schedule were truly about accuracy, but from my son’s […]