Jul 23, 2021
Monday morning, and I have a shorthanded list: laundry, laundry, laundry, empty trash cans, clean hand towels in all the bathrooms. I move in that weekday flurry, recycled shopping bags for the trash cans rattling in my hands, having just come home from dropping Riley and Adam at day camp, with a plan to spend […]
May 22, 2020
Beside me, Adam’s voice breaks, shattering into silence. I glance over to read his face, careful not to linger lest he feel my gaze; he doesn’t like me to watch him worship. My son could care less if I walk in on him in the bathroom when he’s wearing no clothes and stepping into the […]
Jan 3, 2020
In the middle of prayer, my friends and I huddled holy around that old table, I hear Riley on the stairs. “Yes,” she says, her pure voice rising sweet with ours, her assent like a clasping hand, an enveloping arm. It’s as though she’s come upon our group hug and wrapped herself around us. And […]
4Apr 24, 2015
https://instagram.com/p/1yb3PWtTXa/ At every event, Adam stands too close. I have to keep drawing him back to me. Sometimes I hook an arm around his waist, sometimes I just catch his eyes with mine and say, come here. But he bounces forward, right up to that white-chalk line on the grass, and it’s not his turn […]