Sep 2, 2016
Twinkle lights cast warm light over their cheeks, their tawny skin, their sun-gold hair. The summer breeze lifts long, errant strands—mermaid-streaked deep maroon-purple, steel blue. The girls slide their thumbs over their foreheads, corraling without thinking. As the day fades along the edges of the dinner hour and the five of us gather on the […]
2Apr 17, 2015
I like the way God built me. She says it like it’s the simplest thing. The words fall easy, fluttering elegant, lighting on a twisty varicose vein that branches pen-thin across my thigh. I had been tracing the bruised lines with my finger. These spidery betrayers invade, cracks in the shell of me suddenly […]
3Aug 29, 2014
In the car at night and I can’t see her face, just the blur of headlights and the jostle of cars weaving in and out of lanes, just the green-lit signs labeling exits. From behind me, she speaks, and the tentative way she shapes her words tells me that she chooses this time for the […]