Mar 3, 2023
“Mom Jones, how’s your voice today?” Riley asks, pajama-clad and still rumpled with sleep, leaning against the doorjamb in my office, one hand solidly planted on a curvy hip. She straightens, gathering her hair into a ponytail with her other hand, flipping it absently as she watches my face. “It’s still gone,” I croak, only […]
2Dec 26, 2014
I weave my way through aisles, casually lifting trinkets in one hand, weighing their merit as stocking stuffers against the cost, yellow-highlighted on white stickers. We left home early to avoid the rush, the traffic, and scurried huddled through the icy mist to gather our gifts. We chuckle, in a jovial but deeply horrified, self-convicted […]
3Nov 16, 2012
Clouds, faintest gray, blanket the sky thick, like fleece smoothed with an efficient hand. From the window, I glimpse fiery trees, tall in the brisk wind, the first drops of rain gathering on their leaves like gem stones. And I give thanks for the trees on fire but not burning, the reminder of warmth against an icy […]