Jan 18, 2019
Early morning quiet and steam dances and curls over the cup, and I sit listening. The many sounds of silence include the voice of God, and His Word always changes things. I scribble the date in my journal and begin to write, glancing back to the Bible still open in my lap. The cover and […]
Sep 29, 2017
I read the passage slowly, letting it float in the air between us, letting it settle: In the beginning the Word already existed. Â Â Â Â The Word was with God, Â Â Â Â and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, Â Â Â Â and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave […]
Aug 21, 2015
I walk in from my sweaty work, the pruning shears heavy in one gloved hand, the bottoms of my bare feet stinging with the heat of the sidewalk, the brick steps. Finally, I couldn’t watch the ruined blooms weigh the branches any longer, nor let them continue leaching away the sweet goodness the tiny, emergent […]
4May 29, 2015
I like doing this with you, she says, and I look away from the wild roses just beyond us in the yard, their bold red beauty twisting madly toward the limitless sky, jutting elegantly through the slats.  Their freedom completely captures me, that and the way they’ve doubled in size, the way they reach in the […]
5Nov 12, 2010
You know, sometimes God says things to me with such strength, such PUSH, that I am crazy not to hear Him and insane not to move with Him. He makes me laugh out loud, because He knows. He knows He has to speak to me in a thousand different ways, and loud enough that even […]
6Nov 9, 2007
Zoe is often wide-eyed and serious during Bible time with Daddy at the end of the day. She is usually sharply interested in the content of the Bible stories, and she absorbs things more deeply than we sometimes expect from our 4-year-old “party on wheels.” Kevin related a story that I just had publish here. […]