Jan 22, 2021
Bad news rings at the wrong time. The sound, that deceptively light chime, actually shatters and splinters without warning, and the only awkward truth it tells is that it doesn’t belong. The sound of that phone, it is the wrong sound. Zoe and Kevin laugh easily in the other room, their voices carrying indistinctly, and […]
Sep 6, 2019
Dumbbells gripped in hand, lifted over me like the weight that knots my neck, I remember thinking only of what will be next, after this. I used to plot it out by the hour, how I’d manage to do my way through the morning and into the afternoon. And then, and then, and then. How […]
Feb 17, 2017
In the waiting room, she reaches for my hand, lacing her long fingers through my own. She presses her palm flat against my palm until all the lines meet, intersecting for a stretch and then contradicting, all posts and crossbeams. Her moon eyes speak paragraphs over still lips, tightly drawn. They are imploring blue–those eyes, […]
Sep 9, 2016
Arms full of teenaged girls, every afternoon. I mean, I have their hair in my mouth. Those long, honeyed strands fly in my face whenever my daughters curl their lithe bodies into me, the one pressing her cheek into my lap, the other settling her ear on my shoulder, reaching for my hand with long, bronzed […]