61Oct 26, 2012
The day Fear lays my friend flat, pressing her back, her head on the hood of my car, the day her tears dot the pavement at our feet, Adam is the only one who knows what to do. And it has nothing whatsoever to do with what he lacks. Adam and I have a routine […]
62Aug 17, 2012
It’s time. I glance at my watch and sigh, not ready to stand, not ready to gulp the last of my coffee and sit the mug by the sink, not ready to see Kevin off to work, not ready to help Adam brush his teeth. Â Not ready. Â Never quite ready. Upstairs, we stand in the […]
63Oct 7, 2011
October feels ripe for walking. Â So on Saturday, we walked in the park, away from hurry. Â For a while, we left all else behind and moved straight to the heart of Grace, the evidence in things created. The leaves applauded our rest, dancing with the wind, dappling the sunlight that drifted through the trees, gold […]
64Aug 5, 2011
Aggravation is Riley’s favorite game, but not for the reasons you might expect.  She plays by a few simple rules, and Sunday, God wrote them on our hearts: It’s really important that we play all together. When Kevin played Aggravation years ago, on this very same board, with his younger brother and his grandparents, he had all those […]
65Jun 24, 2011
This morning, Adam couldn’t find his favorite math worksheet. “Three Steps?” he said to me, his face a few inches from mine, his body leaning in to where I sat sipping my coffee on the porch. Adam and I had communicated enough about Three Steps in the last week for me to know (finally) that this […]
66Feb 25, 2011
Zoe is a prayer warrior. And frankly, she absolutely schools the rest of us. For about three years, the motor on the power door in our van was burned out. When the girls were younger, they thought it fun to engage the door and then watch it jerk back in the other direction when they […]
67May 24, 2008
She’s baa-a-a-ck!:) Although I was temporarily derailed by track out and two months of strep throat, I’m finally back with some stories to tell! Thank you to those of you who are so kind and interested enough in our circus to check regularly for my posts. It’s nice to know that we have such great […]
68Mar 8, 2008
Yesterday, I had to take Zoe to the pediatrician’s office so that the doctor could take a look at her ears and make sure that her ear infection was indeed gone. As we were sitting in the exam room, waiting on the doctor, Zoe was chattering as usual about a million different things. Mid-sentence, she […]
69Nov 6, 2007
I looked up this morning from my Bible, and there was Adam, coming down the stairs with his shirt on backwards and as usual, a big grin on his face. Me: Good morning, Adam! Adam: Good morning! Coffee? Me: Yes, you can have a little, but it’s not ready yet. It has to brew first. […]
70Oct 20, 2007
We started our day with a celebration. My kids taught me a long time ago that one never needs a reason to celebrate. All you need is some whipped cream and chocolate drizzle on top of about an inch deep cup of coffee. It was Zoe’s idea (she’s a walking celebration, after all), but all […]