61Jan 15, 2008
Riley and Adam have been tracked out of school since January 2nd, and before that, they were on holiday break. So, it’s no wonder that Riley reminds me nearly every day (not that I needed the reminder:)) that, “I’m going back to school on January 24th,” or that Adam asks me inquisitively, “School?” every […]
62Dec 22, 2007
Today, my mom is 64 years old. The first conversation I had with Zoe this morning went something like this: “Mommy, Mommy, GUESS whose birthday is today?!” “Whose?!” “It’s not Jesus’ birthday today, Mommy. Today, it’s GRANDMA’S birthday!!” “I know! Isn’t it wonderful?” “Yes.” Zoe paused, looking slightly puzzled. “Mommy, Grandma said she’s not having […]
63Dec 18, 2007
Riley has just become a member of the elite Hello Kitty fan club. How old is Hello Kitty anyway?! I remember being fascinated with that character when I was little. We had an entire store devoted to Hello Kitty paraphernalia in our mall. I remember because I wanted ALL of it. Zoe has two pairs […]
64Dec 18, 2007
Sunday afternoon, I was in the kitchen washing dishes (getting everything all set that I might sit down and put some focused effort in on my Christmas cards), when the telephone rang. It was Mom, sounding cheery. “We’re getting more and more excited as time gets closer,” she said. “Me, too. Riley was just asking […]
65Dec 14, 2007
This morning as I was reading my Bible and enjoying my coffee, the girls were fighting. First Riley was on my lap, and anytime Zoe came near, she’d say, “Zoe, I’m just trying to sit on the lap with my Mommy!” In order that her position not be threatened, she required that a radius of […]
66Dec 5, 2007
I learned a few things worth noting at our church Christmas pageant on Sunday night: 1. When the Bible says that Mary “wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid him in the manger,” it actually means that baby Jesus was loosely wrapped in a blanket. Whenever she picked him up (which was usually by the […]
67Nov 21, 2007
We have an annual tradition with our church family the week of Thanksgiving. That week, we always switch our Wednesday night mid-week service to Tuesday night (because so many people travel on Wednesday). We call it Souper Supper, because we all bring a crock pot full of some kind of soup and enjoy a meal […]