Oct 11, 2019
My hands lay open in my lap, palms turned up to receive whatever grace God loves to give, somewhere that should feel like home. I bend my head to rest, empty of expectation. This Sunday, round tables replace the rows. Today, we actually worship together; we actually commune. It feels like wandering into a sprawling […]
Mar 1, 2019
In the late afternoon, we sit and sip coffee from steaming cups, two friends with a wealth of life between us and crinkles at the corners of our eyes. We toss aside our phones, with all their connection that disconnects, and wrap our fingers around warm mugs. I brewed the coffee and she showed up […]
Nov 23, 2018
Home–even that word feels like a fresh breath. I wander to the mailbox and gather the waiting stack, thick with seasonal catalogs and credit card offers. Walking up the driveway, I sift through the mail, glancing up to watch sun-gold leaves drift from the expansive limbs of the Japanese Maple in our front yard. My […]
Mar 16, 2018
Into the bowling alley I go, “Saturday me” with her yoga pants and her clean face and her Mr. Rogers jacket (yes, because I wear it around the house). This is the me that’s only me, the honest introvert; the quiet, swallowed-up, zipped-up me just holding tight to God’s hand, walking through the parking lot. […]
Sep 28, 2015
Dear amazing and wonderful ones who offered me the encouragement and grace of following my posts, I’m so excited to launch my new website! Forgive me for the “oops” test post you all received earlier. The site wasn’t even live yet, and I had no idea that all of you would receive that, but I’m […]
6Feb 20, 2015
I am folding towels, warm against my hands, pressing them into neat lines, when Adam appears in the doorway, carefully balancing a mug in his hands. Â His fingers grip the sculpted handle, which is blue like a strip of summer sky arching over a field of yellow flowers. Â The mug is one of my favorites, […]
7Feb 13, 2015
In my cabinet sits a carefully labeled bowl, a sticky note in Riley’s tight hand perched on its rosy scalloped edge.  Riley’s Bowl of Game Choices, it says, or some such thing.  Below it, another bowl with another sticky note, something like Games We Have Already Played.  As she gets older, Riley imposes her own structure […]
8Jun 5, 2014
Well, that’s what I get for writing on my phone!:)  I inadvertently posted a “preview” of tomorrow’s post while it was yet unfinished, so if you try that earlier link and can’t find it, that’s why. The finished and edited version will be up tomorrow, so if  you get my posts via email, you’ll need […]
Mar 28, 2014
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam bibendum, libero eu rutrum feugiat, urna orci porta magna, id scelerisque neque nunc sit amet felis. Donec pellentesque tempus mauris, et feugiat magna pellentesque quis. Mauris in ultricies arcu. Vestibulum dolor ipsum, pretium et mollis sed, sollicitudin ac mi. Aliquam euismod erat in nunc suscipit auctor. […]
10Jan 24, 2014
In moments at the end of a day–when I feel like I could cry, and the tears gather dark and cloud-heavy in the back of my throat—they arrange their bodies around mine as though together we are some wild arrangement of art, some carefully styled sculpture. And, we are. I can tell you what the […]