191Dec 23, 2011
2 days before Christmas, and Kevin and I walk early—a treat, Mom and Dad here, the kids snuggling with them in the dark. The breeze feels amazing, blowing in our faces, a reminder of the Spirit walking with us. Tears drip down my cheeks, renewing my eyes, even though I’m not crying. And I can’t […]
192Dec 16, 2011
This is the first year that Adam has been able to tell me what he wants for Christmas. Just a few weeks ago, I stood in the kitchen wrapping my arms around my nine year old son, who laughed but squirmed with discomfort. I kissed him on the cheek and smiled into bright blue eyes […]
193Nov 18, 2011
“But…I don’t want to be fat.” That’s what Zoe said to me, months ago, her diabetes yet undiagnosed, her body slowly consuming itself. I looked at her, sitting there at the breakfast table picking at a piece of toast, and I thought, “I wonder when I started thinking that way.” By then, her bones had […]
194Nov 11, 2011
You say grace before meals./All right. / But I say grace before the play and the opera, /And grace before the concert and the pantomime, /And grace before I open a book, /And grace before sketching, painting,/ Swimming, fencing, boxing, walking, playing, dancing,/And grace before I dip the pen in the ink (~G.K. Chesterson, as […]
195Nov 4, 2011
May your unfailing love be my comfort…(Psalm 119:76) Last night, they sat in the chair together, a boy and his dad. For years, Kevin’s lap has been the place where Adam finds the most comfort. In his most terrible moments, when he cries so hard he gasps for air, this is the place he remembers […]
196Oct 21, 2011
Just when the caterpillar thought his life had ended, he became a butterfly. ~Proverb For days, we stare at the five chrysalides hanging from the top of the butterfly habitat Zoe requested for her birthday, anticipating new birth. Transformation is something we are passionate about, knowing it to be God’s skill, His masterpiece. He’s woven […]
197Oct 14, 2011
Last week, two friends knelt in the dirt beside me, the grass pressing lines into their ankles, and washed my feet. That’s exactly what they did, even if it looked more like twisting shovels into the earth and planting a little hope. We buried the seeds of allium, hyacinth, tulips, and daffodils, tucking them away for […]
198Oct 7, 2011
October feels ripe for walking. So on Saturday, we walked in the park, away from hurry. For a while, we left all else behind and moved straight to the heart of Grace, the evidence in things created. The leaves applauded our rest, dancing with the wind, dappling the sunlight that drifted through the trees, gold […]
199Sep 9, 2011
The Cloud has lifted, and God is on the move. He’s taking me somewhere new, and I’ve heard Him. Go. “Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people with unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty.” […]
200Sep 2, 2011
My baby girl is all brand new, a butterfly free from a soul’s cocooning. She felt it, and we did too. The acknowledgement of it glistened in her eyes as she looked at her dad, and then at me, water dripping from wet fingers. On Sunday morning, we’d been discussing Nehemiah chapter 8 over breakfast—why […]