Jan 22, 2016
Late afternoon and the light begins to fade, and we widen the gaps in the window blinds, tugging the dangling strings with our fingers. Â Usually, I close up the house instead; slide the curtains closed against the coming dark, press my fingers flat against the chilled window panes. Â Tonight though, I switch on the lamps […]
2Dec 30, 2011
I have this thing about white lights in Winter. For a few lingering weeks, after the Christmas decorations have been packed away for another year, white lights will still flicker and blink warm here, winking at me, reminding me that the magic is always, not just for a season. Â Here and there, a bit of […]
3Jan 7, 2011
At the end of a magical Christmas, it snowed. While we slept, the snow softly blanket the lawn, the house, the roads, our cars. We woke to pristine, glistening, breathtaking beauty all around us. I’ve always loved that verse in Isaiah 1, “‘Come now, let us settle the matter,’ says the LORD. ‘Though your sins […]