21Oct 2, 2008
Well, we’re tracked out for 3 weeks, and my kids are at the beach. My Mom and Dad (There are honestly not words to describe how wonderful they are to me. They are a continual example of what loving God’s way is truly all about, and I don’t deserve them! I’m thankful that God put […]
22Nov 30, 2007
Riley is involved in a “luv triangle.” She gets all giggly around one of the boys in her class this year (who was also in her class last year) and tosses her hair back when he’s in the room. I have heard that she just “lights up” when he walks through the door. There’s another […]
23Nov 30, 2007
One morning this week, I made some cheese grits for Kevin and me to eat for breakfast. Knowing that Zoe typically loves cheese grits too, I confirmed that she would also like some and set a piping hot bowl in front of her. Apparently that day her eyes were bigger than her stomach (something that […]
24Nov 17, 2007
What mother doesn’t feel great about the fact that she can kiss bruised palms and scraped knees and see tears instantly disappear? Last night while I was busy bathing Zoe, Riley somehow managed a nasty scrape on the top of her foot. Don’t ask me how. Thirty seconds before the scrape appeared, she had been […]
25Nov 9, 2007
Ms. Jaime, Harris Creek Elementary’s OT, told me a “Riley story” today that is so classic Riley I just had to retell it here. I love hearing the words, “I’ve got one for the blog!”🙂 Apparently Riley stopped in to visit Ms. Jaime one day before Halloween and initiated a conversation (YEA, Riley!!). “Ms. Jaime, […]
26Nov 9, 2007
Zoe is often wide-eyed and serious during Bible time with Daddy at the end of the day. She is usually sharply interested in the content of the Bible stories, and she absorbs things more deeply than we sometimes expect from our 4-year-old “party on wheels.” Kevin related a story that I just had publish here. […]
27Nov 6, 2007
I looked up this morning from my Bible, and there was Adam, coming down the stairs with his shirt on backwards and as usual, a big grin on his face. Me: Good morning, Adam! Adam: Good morning! Coffee? Me: Yes, you can have a little, but it’s not ready yet. It has to brew first. […]
28Oct 27, 2007
What a blessing it is that God uses our kids to help us have a sense of humor about ourselves. I just love the things they say. Just this morning, Zoe was studying Kevin’s face carefully and said, “Daddy, you have a very sneaky nose.” I almost choked on my cereal. Just last week, my […]
29Oct 23, 2007
Riley and Adam tracked back in to school on Monday, and I came up for air only to realize that October will be over before I know what hit me. They were so excited to go back to school. Yesterday morning Riley followed Adam around all morning carrying his backpack and making sure he was […]
30Oct 18, 2007
Praise the Lord along with me! Every day Adam has more to say to us, and we are so thankful to see him slowly but surely coming out of his shell and being more verbal. Last night Adam was getting impatient waiting to have supper. I was finishing up an email, and he had apparently […]