11Aug 18, 2017
To look at her, you’d not think her mighty, carrying that slice of notebook paper folded over her fingers, brassy hair tied in two smooth knots and pinned, finally, against her head and away from her face. She insists upon nothing in her eyes when she’s about her business, checking off important things in a […]
12Feb 17, 2017
In the waiting room, she reaches for my hand, lacing her long fingers through my own. She presses her palm flat against my palm until all the lines meet, intersecting for a stretch and then contradicting, all posts and crossbeams. Her moon eyes speak paragraphs over still lips, tightly drawn. They are imploring blue–those eyes, […]
13Jan 20, 2017
“I didn’t even realize he was wearing his sweatpants,” I say to my friend, gesturing with one finger toward my son, over to the back of the auditorium where Adam now paces, ankles showing blank below lanky black, just above those bruised-up tennis shoes he likes. I’m not even sure that the elastic on the […]
14Jan 6, 2017
She gets up for me when it’s hard for her even to walk the length of the floor, and balancing on the one healing side, she hugs me, when I know it hurts to be touched the wrong way. I’m on the way home to a lot of doing she couldn’t now do if she’d […]
15Sep 9, 2016
Arms full of teenaged girls, every afternoon. I mean, I have their hair in my mouth. Those long, honeyed strands fly in my face whenever my daughters curl their lithe bodies into me, the one pressing her cheek into my lap, the other settling her ear on my shoulder, reaching for my hand with long, bronzed […]
16Aug 26, 2016
Buttonhooks, he says. Buttonhooks? The zucchini in my hand drips. I run a thumb over a crack in its waxy green skin, listening. “Buttonhooks! ButtonHOOKS!” He tries hard to annunciate; I can hear each letter’s effort, the work to shape it with his tongue. Placing vegetable on cutting board, I turn toward him, leaning to see […]
17Aug 12, 2016
“Where are you going?” He asks, in a voice muffled with sleep, a voice just on the edge of awareness. My hand stills on the doorknob. I turn back toward him, not much more than a shadow. “I’m goi–I can’t sleep.” My voice falls lightly. “I need to—I don’t want to keep you awake,” I […]
18Jul 15, 2016
In the dark, we slide our feet into flip flops, creeping out the door with steamy mugs of coffee balanced in our hands, with plump towels draped and dangling from our arms. Whispering, we search the sky for signs of first light, for wisps of cotton-candy pink. Carefully we descend the stairs, touching foot […]
19Jun 10, 2016
Here we are in the thick of the morning rush, my foot pump, pump, pumping the break, and she asks, “Mom, what are your plans for today?” We move along the roadway like a pebble in a clogged stream, jerking irregularly, moving one moment and then suddenly not. It feels as though I have to […]
20Jun 3, 2016
I walk in from my first round of morning carpool, and she sits at the bar, twisting a long ribbon of brassy hair around her finger. Through the open door that extends our home past the threshhold and anchors it truly as part of a much broader world, I can hear the birds tweeting madly, […]